Category Archives: Scavenger Hunt Cheats

Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos! Here’s this week’s scavenger hunt cheats.

1. Gushing Geyser – Spike

2. Croc Peninsula – Monster

3. Dino Dunes – Sub Alpine Forest

4. Edmarka’s Town Store (Gushing Geyser) – Ankylosaurus

5. Webo Ridge – Fused Lizard

6. Sanoran Sands – Armor

7. Forest Floor – North America

8. Prairie Pool – Cretaceous

9. Rolling Hills Chamber (Prairie Pool) – Armadillos

10. Buckland’s Peak – Evil

The prize is a…Spike Poster!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for this week’s scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- Giant Redwood

2. Prairie Pool- Mountain Ash

3. Sub Alpine Forest- Baobab

4. Croc Peninsula- Giant Sequoia

5. Ole Smithy’s Armory(Croc Peninsula)- Jacaranda

6. Forest Floor- Oak

7. Webo Ridge- Elm

8. Soggy Bottom Swamp- Mulberry

9. Dino Dunes- Eucalyptus

10. Carnivorous Cavern- Bamboo

The prize is a…Flower Tree!

Man, this was a tough hunt. How long did it take you to finish it?


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for this weeks scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- A Waterfall

2. Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab(Hillside Canopy)- Angel Falls

3. Voodoo Hideaway(Soggy Bottom Swamp)- Cataract

4. Tree Fort(Croc Peninsula)- Marmore’s Falls

5. Vesuvius Shop(Carnivorous Cavern)- Hannoki Falls

6. Hadrosaurus Shop(Forest Floor)- Iguazu Falls

7. Stokeosaurus Town Store(Sanoran Sands)- Niagara Falls

8. Prairie Pool- Victoria Falls

9. Rumble Rocks Cave(Prairie Pool)- Yosemite Falls

10. Ole Smithy’s Armory(Croc Peninsula)- Rhine Falls

The prize is a…Waterfall!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for the new scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- Spike

2. Buckland’s Peak- Ankylosaurus

3. Sub Alpine Forest- Soggy Bottom Swamp

4. Soggy Bottom Swamp- Eel

5. Voodoo Hideaway(Soggy Bottom Swamp)- Growing

6. Secret Temple(Dino Dunes)- Webosaurs

7. Forest Floor- Spring

8. Prairie Pool- Spike

The prize is an…Apple Tree!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for the new scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- Laredo

2. Longosaurus Log Store(Sub Alpine Forest)- Paraguay

3. Ole Smithy’s Armory(Croc Peninsula)- London

4. Rumble Rocks Cave(Prairie Pool)- Agriculture

5. Rolling Hills Chamber(Prairie Pool)- Las Vegas

6. Hadrosaurus Store(Forest Floor)- California

7. Vesuvius Shop(Carnivorous Cavern)- Project Mercury

8.Lizard Lounge(Webo Ridge)- Vincent van Gogh

9. Art Shack(Soggy Bottom Swamp)- The Soviet Union

10. Giant Umbrella(Understory Layer)- Yes

The prize is a…Penguin Balloon!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for the new scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- Sunday

2. Croc Peninsula- Three

3. Vesuvius Shop(Carnivorous Cavern)- Modosaureclipse

4. Dino Dunes- Hirola

5. Secret Temple(Dino Dunes)- Modosaurmercury

6. Forest Floor- Friggatriskaidekaphobia

7. Hillside Canopy- Going to bed

8. Webo Ridge- Heliophobia

9. Tree Fort(Croc Peninsula)- Pteronophobia

10.Jurassic Fort(Webo Ridge)- Yes

The prize is a…Pinata!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey Dino Dudes,

Here are the cheats for the new scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser – ModosaurMoon

2. Hillside Canopy – ModosaurOrdo

3. Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge (Hillside Canopy) – Purple

4. Prairie Pool – ModosaurSun

5. Rumble Rocks Cave (Prairie Pool) – Trilobites

6. Sub-Alpine Forest – Porcupine

7. Dino Dunes – Rock

8. Forest Floor – Asiatic Lion

9. Supersaurus Den (Forest Floor) – Horns

10. Giant Umbrella (Understory Layer) – Moon

The prize you get is a…Cheeseburger!

Happy B-Day Mooney! 🙂


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey Dino Dudes,

Here are the cheats for the Bunnysaurus scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser – Easter

2. Croc Peninsula – Passover

3. Tonto Plateau – Lystrosaurus

4. Soggy Bottom Swamp – Early Triassic

5. Art Shack (Soggy Bottom Swamp) – Beak

6. Dino Dunes – Two

7. Secret Temple (Dino Dunes) – Earth Day Tree

8. Prairie Pool – Stokeosaurus Town Store

9. Camposaurus Canvas Tent (Sub Alpine Forest) – Buckland’s Peak

10. Buckland’s Peak – Yes

The prize you get is a…Leggy Egg!

Happy Easter everyone! 🙂


Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

Hey dinos,

Here are the cheats for this week’s scavenger hunt!

1. Gushing Geyser- Earth Day

2. Lizard Lounge(Webo Ridge)- Stretch

3. Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab(Hillside Canopy)- Thursday

4. Hadrosaurus Store(Forest Floor)- Sub Alpine Forest

5. Soggy Bottom Swamp- Bunnysaurus

6. Tree Fort(Croc Peninsula)- Scavenger Egg Hunt

7. Rolling Hills Chamber(Prairie Pool)- Secret Location

8. Rumble Rocks Cave(Prairie Pool)- Gaylord Nelson

9. Giant Umbrella(Understory Layer)- 1970

10. Buckland’s Peak- 500 million

The prize is a…Dart Board!


Scavenger Hunt Cheats


This is Remixz, your friendly neighborhood awesome dino. I’m here to give you the latest scavenger hunt cheats. Here we go!

1. Gushing Geyser- Toga

2. Stokeosaurus Town Store (Sanoran Sands)- Blogosaur Contest

3. Rolling Hills Chamber (Prairie Pool)- Modosaurmoon

4. Jurassic fort (Webo Ridge)- Stegosaurus

5. Hadrosaurus Shop (Forest Floor)- Cakes

6. Ultrasaurus Tiki Lounge (Hillside Canopy)- Hadrosaurus Shop

7. Carnivorous Cavern- Maltese Tiger

8. Longosaurus Log Store (Sub-Alpine Forest)- Black Panther

9. Secret Temple (Dino Dunes)- Rap Battle

10. Art Shack (Soggy Bottom Swamp)- Protectosaurs

You are now CHEATIFIED. So, what item do you get today? An amazing-ish volleyball court!

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